Use our wrapper library for PHP.
Composer Install
Our suggestion is to use composer to install our wrapper.
composer require flashy/flashy-php
If you don't want to install via composer see the instructions below.
Download files
We suggest to use composer to make sure the library is up-to-date.
- Click to download the files
- Extract the project and take the content of "src/Flashy" to your project folder
- Make sure you include the file "Flashy.php"
$flashy = new Flashy\Flashy( array("api_key" => "__YOUR_API_KEY__") );
// You can use all the REST endpoints from the docs
// Read more at:
"email" => "",
"first_name" => "Cool",
"last_name" => "Name",
- PHP >= 5.4
- Flashy API key
More Information
To read more information or issue reporting please use Github: