Installation + Pixels

Use our JavaScript API on your website and application to track events and deliver engaging digital experiences.

Our JavaScript code is async and can't delay your website speed

Base Pixel

Make sure to change the ACCOUNT ID for the base pixel

    'use strict'; (function (a, b, c) { if (!a.flashy) { a.flashy = function () { a.flashy.event && a.flashy.event(arguments), a.flashy.queue.push(arguments) }, a.flashy.queue = []; var d = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0], e = document.createElement(b); e.src = c, e.async = !0, d.parentNode.insertBefore(e, d) } })(window, 'script', ''),
    flashy('init', __ACCOUNT_ID__); // Make sure to change the Account ID.

Page View

Add this pixel only on a general pages, not product pages


View Content

Add on product pages with the product ID

    flashy('ViewContent', {
        'content_ids': ["product_1"]

Update Cart

We recommend to use the UpdateCart to sync all the cart contents, when product removed from the cart or quantity changed or new product added

	flashy('UpdateCart', {
		'content_ids': ["product_id"],
		'value': 100,
		'currency': 'USD'

Add To Cart

We suggest to use the UpdateCart instead of AddToCart

	flashy('AddToCart', {
		'content_ids': ["product_ids", "products_1"],
		'value': 100,
		'currency': 'USD'


Send the products ID's in array of strings: ["123", "456"]

To make sure order not being tracked more than once use the ORDER ID parameter

    flashy('Purchase', {
	    'content_ids': ["product_id"],
	    'value': 100,
	    'currency': 'USD',
	    'order_id': '__ORDER_ID__'

Purchase Updated

Update purchase after status has been update - pending, delivered you can use any string and start automation based on the purchase status

    flashy('PurchaseUpdated', {
		'status': 'PENDING',
		'order_id': '__ORDER_ID__',
		'content_ids': ["product_id"], // Optional
		'value': 100, // Optional
		'currency': 'USD' // Optional

Subscribe Contact To a List

If you want to create & subscribe contacts from the front-end you can use this pixel or you can use our REST API and create the contact from the backend.

You can create contact and also subscribe him to a list, you need the LIST-ID to use that

		"email": "",
		"first_name": "John",
		"last_name": "Doe",
	}, LIST-ID);

Subscribe Contact Without List

If you want to create contact without subscribing from the front-end you can use this pixel or you can use our REST API and create the contact from the backend.

You can create contact without subscribing him to a list

		"email": "",
		"first_name": "John",
		"last_name": "Doe",

Set Contact By Email

Use this function to set the visitor email address, every action after (page views, add to cart), will be added to the contact profile We automatically use this function when the URL has email parameter:

    flashy('setCustomer', {
        "email": ""

Custom Events

    flashy('CustomEvent', {
        "event_name": "SpecificAction"

Check If A Visitor Is Anonymous

Before you can update contacts from JS you need to make sure they are not anonymous.

    if( !flashy.contacts.anonymous() )
        // Do anything you want...

Update Contact

Make sure the visitor on the website is not anonymous.

        "first_name": "Sam",
        "anything": "You want"

Make sure you use Flashy global on ready only, we have event listen when it's ready and it's a best practice to wrap any function with it.

Update Or Create

You can update or create new contact if not exists and include the lists + the status for each list.

    "email": "",
    "first_name": "Rafael",
    "last_name": "Mor",
    "lists": {
        15000: false

Make sure the lists object is with the correct List ID - very important.

You can pass true or false and a few lists, where true is allow marketing.

When Flashy Ready

    window.addEventListener('onFlashy', function() {
        // Flashy global vriable ready to be used.
        // Use to Create / Update contacts from Flashy global variable

Flashy Helpers Events

On Popup Show:

    window.addEventListener('flashyPopupShowed', ev => {

Popup Custom Event

If you want to show a popup based on custom event use the code below:
