Integration Using Google Analytics Ecommerce Enhanced

If you are using a platform that we don't have a direct integration with and you are using Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce, you can significantly reduce the integration time using a specific code we've prepared for Google Analytics for E-commerce.

Using Google Analytics' pixel, we will automatically collect the events from your e-commerce site.

Events automatically sent to Flashy are

  • Page views
  • Product page views
  • Adding / removing items from the cart
  • Completed purchase

These are the events that are automatically sent to Flashy with the embedding of the pixel shown below.

How to Embed

You can embed the script via Google Tag Manager or add it directly to the site; there is no difference in functionality or the code.

Update the following parameters:
ACCOUNT_ID - Your Flashy account number
LIST_ID - The list number associated with your Flashy account (Guide)

  window.flashy_settings = {
    "list_id": 1000
<script src="" async></script>

Two additional pixels that must be added

Make sure you have two more pixels. When a purchase is made, we need the contact who made the purchase. This allows linking the order to a specific contact. Additionally, you can use this pixel after signing up for a newsletter from the footer or anywhere else a customer can sign up. As you can see, you can add all the details of the contact and whether they allow marketing or not. All contact columns are available for addition (more information).

    'event': 'signup',
    'flashy': {
        "contact": {
            "email": "",
            "first_name": "Demo 1",
            "last_name": "Demo 2",
            "phone": "972526849999",
            "city": "Tel Aviv",
            "address": "Derech Begin 66"
        "allow_marketing": true

In addition to the signup pixel, when a customer sign in into the site, we want to identify all his past actions + the actions he will continue to take after logging in. To do this, add the following pixel:

    'event': 'signin',
    'flashy': {
        "email": ""

Additional completion options

When a customer joins the newsletter list from one of your site's forms, the information is not synchronized to Flashy. You can replace your forms with Flashy's forms to save this integration, or ensure that integration is done with the forms (using the above script of the signup).