Text Element on the Popup Editor / Weblayr Editor
This element will allow you to display text in a popup.
Drag the "Text" element from the right-hand menu to the desired location on the popup, or click the text element that already exists on the popup.
You can edit the text on the element.
The element's settings will be displayed on the left-hand menu.
Font Style
Under "Font Style" you can set the font's color, size, weight, etc.
In the "Font" box you may select the type of font from the ones offered by Flashy (if you wish to use a google custom font that is not among the options Flashy offers – you can do so by clicking the "Add Custom Google Font" button and pasting the font's name in the "font" box).
Block Style
Padding – you can set the element's spacing, from all directions, on the popup's template.
Visibility – you can select to display the element on mobile/ desktop/ all.
Background – you can set the element's background to be color/ image/ none.