Trouble Shooting for WooCommerce (WordPress)

Flashy supports all the latest versions of WooCommerce (WordPress).

To avoid technical difficulties when installing the plugin or when synchronizing data to Flashy, a few things must be ensured:

  • PHP version 5 and up
  • WordPress version 3 and up
  • WooCommerce version 1.6 and up

In the WordPress code, there is a system for managing events. Every time something happens Flashy can fetch the event and execute actions. 

Flashy uses several events to synchronize the platforms, here is a list of these events with an explanation for each one:

Using a Flashy Checkbox

Our plugin allows you to add a checkbox for customers to use when agreeing to receive emails on the subscribe page of your WooCommerce store as well as on the checkout page. For this checkbox to appear the basic Hooks of WooCommerce must be active on the template:



  • You may edit the text that appears on the checkbox so that it fits your brand language. 
  • Additionally, CSS may be used to design the checkbox and manage its appearance. 

Using an Independent Checkbox 

If you are not using a Flashy checkbox but have a checkbox of your own, you must make sure that checking the checkbox is recorded if a customer has subscribed or made a purchase. 

When a customer subscribes, Flashy searches for the customer that has been created and checks to see if there is a Meta Term associated with them, by using the following WordPress function:


If it is a visitor / customer who subscribes and makes a purchase, then checking the checkbox can be recorded in the purchase details.
We search for this in the following manner:

get_post_meta($order_id); // ORDER ID to look for the custom checkbox

This is why we have to make sure that when a customer subscribes their choice is recorded or when a new order is created the choice is recorded with the order itself – Flashy will identify the choice according to the key you filled in on the settings page and thus will know whether to add the customer to the email list or not.  

New WooCommerce Customer

This Hook enables us to know when a new customer is created on the platform (disregarding the way the registration occurred). 


Adding to Cart / Updating Cart




Purchase Completed Successfully


New Order


Implementation of Additional Scripts and Functions 
