Types of Conditions in Filter Fields

When you use filters on Flashy, a box may open in which you will have to set the condition by which you wish to filter.

Types of Conditions that Exist on Filter Fields

Everything – selecting this option means that the customer will enter the automation no matter what value their field contains.

Contains – selecting this option means that the customer will enter the automation only if their field contains a certain value.

Does Not Contain – selecting this option means that the customer will enter the automation only if their field does not contain a certain value.

Equal - selecting this option means that the customer will enter the automation only if their field contains a value that is exactly equal to the one you have set.

More than – a customer will enter the automation only if the value that their field contains is greater than the value you have set.

Less than – a customer will enter the automation only if the value that their field contains is less than the value you have set.

Unequal – a customer will enter the automation only if their field contains a value that is not equal to the one you have set.

Known – a customer will enter the automation only if the field you have selected is one that already exists (is known) in Flashy's database.

Unknown - a customer will enter the automation only if the field you have selected does not exist (is unknown) in Flashy's database.